The farm


Located in the heart
of the region of Matarraña.


The history

The Farm Torre del Marqués appears for the first time in the history of the Cid Campeador, when in 1090 it defeated the Barcelona Count Berenger Ramón II in the battle of the Pinar de Tévar, immortalized in the “Song of my Cid.” Many historians have studied this battle, of which there are many references in historical texts, and conclude that Mount Tévar is the current Punta Molinera. And that the forest where the battle took place is the pine forest on the southern slope of the tip, and more specifically on the plain that is near the Tastavins River. This location coincides with the non-wooded part of the Farm Torre del Marqués.

While the Cid’s men camped by the Tastavins River, at the confluence with the Monroyo River, the Count descended down the pine forest slope, ready to surprise them, and with the tactical advantage of attacking from above. However, the Cid had informers who advanced the action of the Count, and moved the bulk of his troops to ambush themselves on the flanks of the half-slope. When the bulk of the Count’s contingent reached Cid’s camp, he received an attack by the flanks and rear that made his victory impossible. This battle was the most important in economic terms for El Cid, as they seized a great spoil of war, and succulent ransoms for the nobles imprisoned in it, including Count Berenguer Ramon II himself.


El Marquesado

Casa Solariega that the Torre family built in 1702, on the grounds that the first head of the lineage obtained at the hands of the Rey aragonés Alfonso II “El casto,” first monarch of the Barcelona dynasty and son of Ramon Berenguer IV, after the reconquest of these lands by the christians after the assault of the muslim square of Caspe. For this reconquest, the king had to create a foreign third, where a noble borgoñes surnamed “de la Tour,” commanded this mesnada, and when he received his lot in the distribution of the conquered land, he decided to stay and constitute one of the lineages of greater alcurnia and solera of all the Bajo Aragon.

Until the appearance of Sebastian de la Torre and Borras, who was the first Marques of Santa Coloma, appointed on February 19, 1684, many descendants of the borgoñon military have participated in the main historical milestones of this country: Simon de la Torre, was head of the expeditionary army sent by James II to conquer Cerdeña. Years later, his great grandson Fernando de la Torre y Óliver was appointed Governor and Captain General of the Molucas Islands. Pedro Felipe de la Torre y Triullec was Captain of Galleys in the Royal Navy of Felipe II, and participated victorious in the Battle of Lepanto. Juan Miguel de la Torre y Morera accompanied General Ambrosio Spínola in the Flanders War, being immortalized in Velazquez’s pictorial work, “The Surrender of Breda”.

Sebastian de la Torre was born in Monroyo, but his usual residence was in Alcañiz, because he was appointed by the King as one of his perpetual rulers, a position reserved only for individuals of important noble families. However, it was his son, Juan de la Torre y Grau, who built the original masía where the Hotel is currently located. His son Antonio de la Torre y Andreu, was a supporter of Felipe V during the war of succession, which led him to have the party of the Austrias, majority in Aragon, burn the Masia built by his father, plundering the estate on which he settled.However, the war was won by the supporters of the Bourbon, and Antonio de la Torre reclaimed his lands and rebuilt his old Masía in 1705, turning it into a two-storey tower with dovelada doors and cushioned stone facades, of the same court as his palace in Monroyo. This second construction brings the current dimensions and structure to the hotel Torre del Marqués. In the following years, modifications and extensions were made, the most important being that carried out approximately 150 years ago, due to the traces that the construction techniques of that time have left on the façade of the building. One more plant was built and a pigeon was created under cover.


Wine tourism

Four years ago we recovered the cultivation of the vineyards, some of them planted fifty years ago and introduced new native varieties, all in organic agriculture with the help of farmers from the neighboring villages.
Only with our own grapes, we produce Farm Wines that can be tasted in the hotel restaurant
You can also participate in an immersive experience that will integrate you into the wine works that we do and taste our wines in preparation and finished.

The Finca Mas de Llucia houses six hectares of vineyards in production, with native red varieties such as Cariñena, Garnacha Tinta, Bobal and Alicante Bouschet. We also have white varieties of Macabeo and white Garnacha planted. The whole farm is managed in organic agriculture.

Likewise, we have a new winery for the production of organic wine, set up in the old social hall of the horse dome field, which is visible from the halls of the hotel restaurant. The winery, with capacity to bottle 20,000 bottles of Farm wine, only uses grapes produced by organic farming in the Mas de Llucia, with direct access from the Hotel.

Book your Vitivinicola Experience

The garden

The garden

In Torre del Marqués we understand the importance of taking care of our food as well as the origin of the ingredients we consume, and for this we have in production our organic seasonal orchards. From our land most vegetables and seasonal fruits are extracted, which supply the restaurant itself
Also, every morning you can accompany our chef to pick the vegetables that we will consume that day, and discover the different varieties of local products.

We have two organic orchards: one in summer and one in winter, which allows us to work with fresh vegetables of great nutritional value, practically all year round. Likewise, we cultivate the aromatic plants that give that special touch to our dishes.

We are recovering the farm’s old agricultural production. Four years ago we resumed the cultivation of vineyards, planted fifty years ago and introduced new native varieties.

We have begun to recover our olive grove, obtaining AOVE from the varieties Empeltre and Picual. Over the next few years, we will recover benches occupied by cherries, almonds, apples and membranes.

Reserve your experience in our organic gardens


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Horseback riding

The Torre del Marques estate housed a magnificent yacht of jumping horses for 10 years. We have recovered the grass spaces to house in summer yeguas parideras, that accompany the horses resident in the farm.

You can enjoy the connection that shows the culture and history in this emblematic place, and if you want to do equestrian routes in the surroundings of the hotel, along the roads enabled.

We have an available space for horse riding. Horse dome track built in the times of the ancient farmhouse, where you can start in the exciting world of horseback riding.

Likewise, the Farm has a multitude of accessible roads for equidae, so that you can discover all the corners and magical spaces around the hotel, in a natural and comfortable way, on the back of our horses.

Book your equestrian experience



Seen from the same valley of the Tastavins River. A place with a marked historical character in which took place, in the 11th century, the Battle of Tévar, starring Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar “El Cid.” Located in the east of the province of Teruel, very close to the nuclei of Fuentespalda and Ráfales, its silhouette rises imposingly.

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